2024-07-05: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Lim Jia Peng, Tran Nhu Thuat, Nguyen Minh Quang for being awarded SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowships for AY2024.
2024-07-01: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Lim Jia Peng and Tran Nhu Thuat for being included in the Dean's List of School of Computing and Information Systems for academic year 2024-2025.
2024-06-25: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Lee Ween Jiann, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2024-06-04: Paper accepted at EDBT-25, titled "Selecting Comparative Sets of Reviews Across Multiple Items"
2024-05-21: Invited speaker at Educators' Learning Festival, held in conjunction with Singapore International Mathematical and Computational Challenge, organized by NUS High School of Mathematics and Science and Ministry of Education, Singapore
2024-05-13: Served The ACM Web Conference 2024 in Singapore as Program Co-chair
2024-05-02: Paper accepted at ICML-24, titled "Augmenting Decision with Hypothesis in Reinforcement Learning"
2024-04-29: Late Breaking Results (LBR) paper accepted at AIED-24, titled "Towards Automated Slide Augmentation to Discover Credible and Relevant Links"
2024-04-15: Journal paper accepted at TSAS, titled "Latent Representation Learning for Geospatial Entities"
2024-03-29: Journal paper accepted at Computational Linguistics, titled "Aligning Human and Computational Coherence Evaluations"
2024-03-24: Attending EDBT'24 in Paestum, Italy
2024-03-11: Invited as Area Chair for ICDM-24
2024-03-04: Attending WSDM'24 in Merida, Mexico
2024-03-04: Short paper accepted at TheWebConf-24, titled "Term Importance for Transformer-Based QA Retrieval: A Case Study of StackExchange"
2024-03-03: Demo accepted at TheWebConf-24, titled "Cornac-AB: An Open-Source Recommendation Framework with Native A/B Testing Integration"
2024-03-03: Paper accepted at TKDD, titled "Adaptive Content-Aware Influence Maximization via Online Learning to Rank"
2024-02-09: Paper accepted at ICDE-24, TKDE Poster Track, titled "Topic Modeling on Document Networks with Dirichlet Optimal Transport Barycenter"
2024-02-01: Paper accepted at EDBT-24, titled "Community Similarity based on User Profile Joins"
2024-01-16: Paper accepted at ICLR-24, titled "Learning Multi-Faceted Prototypical User Interests"
2024-01-12: Invited as Senior Area Chair for KDD-24
2024-01-04: Congratulations to our PhD candidate Lim Jia Peng for being awarded SDSC Dissertation Research Fellowship 2023 by Singapore Data Science Consortium
2023-12-15: Paper accepted at ECIR-24, titled "Hypergraphs with Attention on Reviews for Explainable Recommendation"
2023-11-30: Invited as Senior PC Member for IJCAI-24
2023-11-27: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Chia Chong Cher, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2023-10-08: Paper accepted at EMNLP-23, titled "Disentangling Transformer Language Models as Superposed Topic Models"
2023-09-05: Our recommendation library Cornac is one of the recommended evaluation frameworks by ACM RecSys 2023
2023-09-02: Journal paper accepted at TIST, titled "Memory Network-Based Interpreter of User Preferences in Content-Aware Recommender Systems"
2023-09-02: Invited as Senior PC Member for SDM-24
2023-08-06: Attending KDD'23 in Long Beach, CA
2023-08-05: Paper accepted at CIKM-23, titled "Multi-Representation Variational Autoencoder via Iterative Latent Attention and Implicit Differentiation"
2023-08-03: Our PhD candidate Delvin Ce Zhang was Runner-Up for Best Oral Talk at the Singapore ACM SIGKDD Symposium 2023
2023-07-30: Journal paper accepted at TKDE, titled "Topic Modeling on Document Networks with Dirichlet Optimal Transport Barycenter"
2023-07-22: Congratulations to our PhD candidate Lim Jia Peng for being awarded AI Singapore PhD Fellowship
2023-07-22: Late Breaking Results (LBR) paper accepted at RecSys-23, titled "Continual Collaborative Filtering Through Gradient Alignment"
2023-07-07: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Lee Ween Jiann and Lim Jia Peng for being awarded SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowships for AY2023.
2023-05-26: Profiled in Research@SMU: Corporate VideoÂ
2023-05-26: Attended PAKDD-23 in Osaka for the Steering Committee Meeting
2023-05-22: Delivered Smart Nation Singapore Tech Talk on "Recommender Systems"
 2023-05-19: Paper accepted at DEXA-23, titled "Semantically Constitutive Entities in Knowledge Graphs"
2023-05-17: Paper accepted at KDD-23, titled "Hyperbolic Graph Topic Modeling Network with Continuously Updated Topic Tree"
2023-05-12: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Zhang Ce, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2023-05-03: Nominated for the Teaching Excellence in Postgraduate Professional Programmes Award 2023
2023-05-02: Paper accepted at ACL-23, titled "Large-Scale Correlation Analysis of Automated Metrics for Topic Models"
2023-04-30: Attending TheWebConf-23 in Austin, Texas.
2023-04-08: Journal paper accepted at TKDE, titled "Robust Bidirectional Poly-Matching"
2023-03-07: Poster accepted at  TheWebConf-23 (also known as WWW-23), titled "Multi-Lingual Multi-Partite Product Title Matching"
2023-02-27: Organized WSDM-23 in Singapore as General Chair
2023-01-04: Congratulations to our PhD candidate Tran Nhu Thuat  for being awarded SDSC Dissertation Research Fellowship 2022 by Singapore Data Science Consortium
2022-12-16: Tutorial accepted at TheWebConf-23 (also known as WWW-23), titled "Multi-Modal Recommender Systems: Towards Addressing Sparsity, Comparability, and Explainability"Â
2022-11-29: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Le Trung Hoang, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2022-11-20: Poster accepted at BigData-22, titled "Mining Competitively-Priced Bundle Configurations"
2022-10-25: Paper accepted at BigData-22, titled "Question-Attentive Review-Level Recommendation Explanation"
2022-10-25: Invited as Senior PC member for PAKDD-23
2022-10-18: Paper accepted at WSDM-23, titled "Concept-Oriented Transformers for Visual Sentiment Analysis"
2022-10-06: Paper accepted at EMNLP-22, titled "Towards (Re)interpreting Neural Topic Models via Composite Activations"
2022-09-21: Invited as Senior PC member for TheWebConf'23, User Modeling and Personalization track
2022-09-15: Paper accepted at NeurIPS-22, titled "Meta-Complementing the Semantics of Short Texts in Neural Topic Models"
2022-08-22: Paper accepted at WI-IAT-22, titled "Morphologically-Aware Vocabulary Reduction of Word Embeddings"
2022-08-17: Invited into the Editorial Board of ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)
2022-08-14: Attending KDD'22 in Washington, D.C.
2022-07-18: Attending ICML'22 in Baltimore
2022-07-12: Congratulations to our PhD candidate Zhang Ce for being included in the Dean's List of School of Computing and Information Systems for academic year 2022-2023.
2022-07-08: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Tran Nhu Thuat and Zhang Ce for being awarded SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowships for AY2022.
2022-05-19: Paper accepted at KDD-22, titled "Aligning Dual Disentangled User Representations from Ratings and Textual Content"
2022-05-19: Paper accepted at KDD-22, titled "Variational Graph Author Topic Modeling"
2022-05-15: Paper accepted at ICML-22, titled "Dynamic Topic Models for Temporal Document Networks"
2022-04-27: Journal paper accepted at TIST, titled "Performance Evaluation of Aggregation-based Group Recommender Systems for Ephemeral Groups"
2022-04-25: Short paper accepted at AIED-22, titled "Towards Aligning Slides and Video Snippets: Mitigating Sequence and Content Mismatches"
2022-02-21: Attending WSDM'22 virtually
2022-02-10: Invited as PC member for KDD'22
2022-02-10: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Truong Quoc Tuan, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2022-01-14: Paper accepted at TheWebConf-22, titled "AmpSum: Adaptive Multiple-Product Summarization towards Improving Recommendation Explainability"
2022-01-06: Invited as PC member for ICML'22
2022-01-04: Invited into the Editorial Board of International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA)
2022-01-04: Congratulations to our PhD candidate Zhang Ce for being awarded SDSC Dissertation Research Fellowship 2021 by Singapore Data Science Consortium
2021-11-05: ThriftCity is featured in the NRF Magazine on RIE News, titled "Shopping Lies in the AI of the Beholder"
2021-10-14: Invited as Action Editor for ACL Rolling Review
2021-10-12: Paper accepted at WSDM-22, titled "Collaborative Curating for Discovery and Expansion of Visual Clusters"
2021-09-30: Concluded the National Research Foundation Fellowship project "Dimensionality Reduction for Recommender Systems: Unified Latent Co-representation of Multi-Modal Preference Signals"
2021-09-29: Invited as Senior PC member for TheWebConf-21, User Modeling and Personalization Track
2021-09-29: Presented a tutorial at RecSys-21, titled "Multi-Modal Recommendation: Hands-On Exploration"
2021-08-31: Short paper accepted at ICDM-21, titled "Robust BiPoly-Matching for Multi-Granular Entities"
2021-08-16: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Tuan Truong and Hoang Le for being included in the Dean's List of School of Computing and Information Systems for academic year 2021-2022.
2021-08-08: Paper accepted at CIKM-21, titled "Topic Modeling for Multi-Aspect Listwise Comparisons"
2020-07-28: Invited as Senior PC member for AAAI-22.
2021-07-07: Paper accepted at RecSys-21, titled "Towards Source-Aligned Variational Models for Cross-Domain Recommendation"
2021-07-02: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Le Trung Hoang and Lim Jia Peng for being awarded SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowships for AY2021.
2021-06-19: Paper accepted at ECMLPKDD-21, titled "Semi-Supervised Semantic Visualization for Networked Documents"
2021-06-19: Paper accepted at ECMLPKDD-21, titled "Representation Learning on Multi-Layered Heterogeneous Network"
2021-06-18: Paper accepted at Machine Learning, titled "Variational Learning from Implicit Bandit Feedback"
2021-05-28: Our JAIR-21 paper titled "Efficient Retrieval of Matrix Factorization-Based Top-k Recommendations" is accepted for presentation at the IJCAI 2021 Journal Track.
2021-03-19: Congratulations to our PhD candidate Hoang Le for being awarded SDSC Dissertation Research Fellowship 2020 by Singapore Data Science Consortium
2021-02-23: Paper accepted at JAIR, titled "Efficient Retrieval of Matrix Factorization-Based Top-k Recommendations: A Survey of Recent Approaches"
2021-02-08: Paper accepted at IEEE Internet Computing, titled "Exploring Cross-Modality Utilization in Recommender Systems"
2021-01-11: Won a Distinguished Paper Award at IJCAI-20 for "Synthesizing Aspect-Driven Recommendation Explanations from Reviews"
2020-12-16: Paper accepted at ECIR-21, titled "Sentiment-Oriented Metric Learning for Text-to-Image Retrieval"
2020-11-12: Keynote speaker at KSE 2020, "Advances in Preference Learning - Towards Multimodality and Greater Interpretability".
2020-10-16: Paper accepted at WSDM-21, titled “Explainable Recommendation with Comparative Constraints on Product Aspects"
2020-10-16: Paper accepted at WSDM-21, titled “Bilateral Variational Autoencoder for Collaborative Filtering"
2020-10-14: Attended ACM Multimedia 2020 online.
2020-08-12: Invited as Senior PC member for PAKDD'21.
2020-08-08: Invited as Senior PC member for IJCAI'21.
2020-08-07: Invited as Senior PC member for AAAI'21.
2020-08-03: Invited to the Steering Committee of Pacific Asia Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD)
2020-07-11: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Tuan Truong, Hoang Le, and Zhang Ce, awardees of SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowships for AY2020.
2020-07-01: Awarded Lee Kong Chian (LKC) Fellowship (2020 - 2021).
2020-04-29: Paper accepted at JMLR MLOSS, titled “Cornac: A Comparative Framework for Multimodal Recommender Systems"
2020-04-20: Paper accepted at IJCAI-20, titled “Synthesizing Aspect-Driven Recommendation Explanations from Reviews"
2020-03-27: Paper accepted at the Reproducibility Track of ACM MM-20, titled “Reproducibility Companion Paper: Visual Sentiment Analysis for Review Images with Item-Oriented and User-Oriented CNN"
2020-02-20: FoodRecce by Preferred.AI was featured in the Research@SMU newsletter
2020-02-13: Visited the Computer Science Department at New Mexico State University, USA.
2020-02-07: Quoted by The SMU Blog on "Important Life Skills You Can Learn From Coding and Why Should Get Literate Even If You Aren’t a Techie"
2020-02-07: Attended AAAI-20 in New York City.
2020-01-31: Careers Day keynote speaker at CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School, "Thinking Computationally about Future Careers".
2019-12-30: Invited as PC member for KDD'20 (Applied Data Science Track).
2019-12-11: Visited Hanoi University of Science and Technology, talk titled “Representation Learning for Expressions of Preferences”
2019-12-10: Visited VinAI Research in Hanoi, talk titled “Towards AI-Aided Decision Making: Preference Learning and Recommendations from Multimodal Data”.
2019-12-09: VIsited VNU Hanoi, University of Engineering and Technology, talk titled “Preference Learning from Multimodal Data”.
2019-12-08: Visited VNU Ho Chi Minh University of Science, talk titled “ Towards End-To-End Multi-Modal Recommendation Framework”.
2019-11-22: Invited talk at MOE Gifted Education Annual Conference 2019, titled: "Computational Thinking: Indispensable Skills for A Smart Nation".
2019-11-11: Paper accepted at AAAI-20, titled “Topic Modeling on Document Networks with Adjacent-Encoder"
2019-11-11: Paper accepted at AAAI-20, titled “Stochastically Robust Personalized Ranking for LSH Recommendation Retrieval"
2019-10-23: Invited as Senior PC member for IJCAI'20.
2019-10-21: Invited talk at Singtel Learning Fiesta, titled: "Getting to Know You Better: Machine Learning for Preferences and Recommendations".
2019-10-09: Visited the Faculty of Computer Science of Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI).
2019-10-08: Invited talk at Tokopedia HQ in Jakarta, titled: "Sentiments, Preferences, and Recommendations from Multimodal Data".
2019-09-19: Conferred SMU-Educational Research Fellowship (SMU-ERF) in its inaugural year.
2019-09-11: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Le Duy Dung, Andrew, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2019-08-27: Invited as PC member for SDM'20.
2019-08-23: Held https://TechFest.Preferred.AI, almost one hundred in attendance.
2019-08-21: Invited as Senior PC member for AAAI'20.
2019-07-15: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Tuan Truong and Andrew Le, awardees of SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowships for AY2019. Andrew is also a recipient of SMU PhD Student Life Award.
2019-07-11: Live interview on CNA938 radio station on coding enrichment for primary schools
2019-07-10: Quoted in TODAY
2019-06-15: Speaker at Tokopedia Meetup in Singapore.
2019-05-28: Visited Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya, Indonesia.
2019-05-14: Attended WWW-19 in San Francisco, CA.
2019-05-13: Visited Amazon Search in Palo Alto, CA.
2019-05-13: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Andrew, for making the top-3 finalists to represent SMU in the Singapore Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 2019 competition.
2019-05-10: Paper accepted at IJCAI-19, titled “Learning Multiple Maps from Conditional Ordinal Triplets”.
2019-05-10: Paper accepted at IJCAI-19, titled “Correlation-Sensitive Next-Basket Recommendation”.
2019-05-05: Invited as PC member for ICDM'19.
2019-04-22: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Le Duc Trong, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2019-04-18: Planning the organization of PAKDD-20 in Singapore as Program Co-chair.
2019-04-14: Attended PAKDD-19 in Macau.
2019-02-14: Visited four universities in Surabaya, Indonesia, namely: Airlangga, ITS, Petra, and Ubaya.
2019-02-06: Invited as PC member for KDD'19, Applied Data Science Track.
2019-01-27: Attended AAAI-19 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
2019-01-21: Paper accepted at WWW-19, titled “Multimodal Review Generation for Recommender Systems”.
2019-01-21: Our group Preferred.AI conducted a research workshop on AI for Preference Learning featuring papers and tutorial appearing in AAAI-19.
2019-01-05: Elevated to ACM Senior Membership.
2018-12-14: Our group Preferred.AI conducted a data science workshop for SIS undergraduates. Blog post on
2018-11-02: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Maksim Tkachenko, for successfully defending his dissertation!
2018-11-01: Paper accepted at AAAI-19, titled “VistaNet: Visual Aspect Attention Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis”.
2018-11-01: Paper accepted at AAAI-19, titled “CompareLDA: A Topic Model for Document Comparison”.
2018-10-11: Visited Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
2018-10-08: Our group Preferred.AI concluded a week-long data science enrichment course "Web Data Extraction & Regression Analysis" to a group of bright poly students enrolled in the iPREP and iPOLY programs. Blog post on
2018-10-05: Our tutorial "Recent Advances in Scalable Retrieval of Personalized Recommendations" is accepted for presentation at AAAI-19.
2018-09-17: Congratulations to our PhD candidate Tuan Truong on becoming an Intel Student Ambassador.
2018-08-07: Paper accepted at CIKM’18, titled “Multiperspective Graph-Theoretic Similarity Measure”.
2018-07-27: Organized the 1st Singapore ACM SIGKDD Symposium, a gathering of data science thought leaders in Singapore. Blog post on
2018-07-17: Attended IJCAI-18 in Stockholm, Sweden. Presented two papers in the Learning Preferences or Rankings session. Blog post on
2018-07-10: Visited the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK on the Erasmus+ program. Gave an ILCC seminar on "Representation Learning for Subjective Expressions of Preferences".
2018-07-01: Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
2018-07-01: Appointed Director of the BSc (Computer Science) Programme at SMU.
2018-06-30: Congratulations to our PhD candidates Andrew Le and Maksim Tkachenko, winners of SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowships for AY2018. Maksim won it for the second consecutive year. Andrew is concurrently a recipient of SMU PhD Student Life Award.
2018-06-21: Invited as PC Member for WWW'19, Search Track.
2018-06-21: Invited as PC Member for AAAI'19.
2018-06-13: Invited as PC Member for ICDM'18.
2018-06-09: Delivered a KDD.SG tutorial, together with my PhD student Tuan Truong, on "Image Classification Using CNNs with Applications to Facial Expression Recognition and Visual Sentiment Analysis".
2018-06-07: Presented a talk on "Modeling Preferences from Multi-Modal Data: A Deep Learning Exploration" at the SDSC x DSSG Data Science Meetup jointly organized by Singapore Data Science Consortium and Data Science SG.
2018-05-26: Presented a lightning talk on "Preferences and Recommendations from Data & AI" at the Vision of AI Futures Workshop organized by AI.SG.
2018-05-24: Panel judge for Singapore International Mathematics Challenge (SIMC) 2018 organized by NUS High School of Math and Science.
2018-05-16: Paper accepted at UAI’18, titled “Probabilistic Collaborative Representation Learning for Personalized Item Recommendation”.
2018-05-16: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Nguyen Thanh Son, for successfully defending his dissertation.
2018-05-09: Elevated to IEEE Senior Membership.
2018-04-21: Paper accepted at ACL’18, titled “Searching for the X-Factor: Exploring Corpus Subjectivity for Word Embeddings”.
2018-04-17: Attended the Software Product Summit - the ISPMA Conference in Frankfurt.
2018-04-16: Paper accepted at IJCAI'18, titled "Modeling Contemporaneous Basket Sequences with Twin Networks for Next-Item Recommendation".
2018-04-16: Paper accepted at IJCAI'18, titled "A Bayesian Latent Variable Model of User Preferences with Item Context".
2018-03-14: Invited as PC Member for CIKM'18, Short Paper Track.
2018-03-02 to 06: Visited ITMO University, PDMI Computer Science Club, and St. Petersburg Academic University in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
2018-02-26 to 27: Visited MIPT, Sberbank AI Lab, and Avito Data Science Meetup in Moscow, Russia.
2018-02-18: My commentary on computational thinking appeared on Channel News Asia
2018-02-02: Invited to Google Faculty Learning Summit.
2017-12-07: Invited as PC Member for ICWSM'18.
2017-11-08: Our demo SemVis for semantic visualization was one of the five Nominees for Best Demo Award at CIKM17.
2017-11-07: Attended CIKM17 in Singapore.
2017-11-06: Chaired the CIKM AnalytiCup 2017 - a series of four data challenges running over nine months culminating on Nov 6 Finals. See
2017-10-24: Attended ACMMM17 in Silicon Valley.
2017-08-24: Attended IJCAI17 in Melbourne.
2017-08-10: Attended SIGIR17 in Tokyo.
2017-08-06: Short paper accepted at CIKM'17, titled "Collaborative Topic Regression with Denoising AutoEncoder for Content and Community Co-Representation".
2017-08-06: Full paper accepted at CIKM'17, titled "Indexable Bayesian Personalized Ranking for Eff€icient Top-k Recommendation".
2017-08-06: Demo paper accepted at CIKM'17, titled "SemVis: Semantic Visualization for Interactive Topical Analysis".
2017-08-01: Congratulations to our PhD graduate Tuan Le on starting a postdoc position at Carnegie Mellon University. We wish him all the best!
2017-07-31: Invited as PC Member for WWW'18, Web Search and Mining Track.
2017-07-14: Congratulations to our PhD candidates, Andrew and Maksim, for making the top-5 finalists to represent SMU in the Singapore Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.
2017-07-03: Paper accepted at ACMMM'17, titled "Visual Sentiment Analysis for Review Images with Item-Oriented and User-Oriented CNN".
2017-06-23: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Maksim Tkachenko, for winning a SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship award for AY2017-2018.
2017-06-23: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Do Ha Loc, for successfully defending his dissertation.
2017-06-22: Invited as PC Member for AAAI'18.
2017-05-17: Congratulations to our MSc candidate, Nguyen Tiep Trong, for successfully defending his dissertation.
2017-05-12: Nominated for the SMU Undergraduate Excellent Teacher Award 2017.
2017-05-11: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Le Van Minh Tuan, for successfully defending his dissertation.
2017-04-24: Paper accepted at IJCAI'17, titled "Semantic Visualization for Short Texts with Word Embeddings".
2017-04-24: Paper accepted at IJCAI'17, titled "Basket-Sensitive Personalized Item Recommendation".
2017-03-26: Finished the 42.195 km full marathon at OSIM Sundown Marathon 2017.
2017-02-27: Singapore ACM SIGKDD Chapter officially chartered. Look out for upcoming activities on
2017-01-06: Journal paper accepted in DAMI, titled: "Micro-Review Synthesis for Multi-Entity Summarization".
2016-12-04: Finished the 42.195 km full marathon at Standard Chartered Marathon 2016.
2016-11-30: Journal paper accepted in TKDE, titled: "Comparative Relation Generative Model".
2016-10-28: Gave a talk at University of Illinois at Chicago.
2016-10-25: Attended CIKM16 in Indianapolis.
2016-10-13: Invited as Tutorials Co-Chair for ASONAM'17.
2016-09-17: Attended RecSys'16 in Boston.
2016-08-01: Profiled in SMU Engage newsletter, August 2016 issue
2016-07-19: Paper accepted at CIKM'16, titled "Plackett-Luce Regression Mixture Model for Heterogeneous Rankings".
2016-07-01: Awarded Lee Kong Chian (LKC) Fellowship (2016 - 2017).
2016-06-29: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Le Van Minh Tuan, for winning a SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship award for AY2016-2017. This is the second time Tuan has won, after his first award in AY2014-2015.
2016-06-20: Paper accepted at ECMLPKDD'16, titled: "Modeling Sequential Preferences with Dynamic User and Context Factors".
2016-06-15: Paper accepted at RecSys'16, titled: "Representation Learning for Homophilic Preferences".
2016-05-20: Profiled in SMU News: "Gaining insights into consumer preferences from large-scale data sets"
2016-05-13: Profiled in Straits Times: "A data miner in search of the common link"
2016-05-09: Invited as Data Challenge Co-Chair for CIKM'17.
2016-05-05: Journal paper appearing in JAIR Award Winning Papers Track, titled "Semantic Visualization with Neighborhood Graph Regularization".
2016-05-05: Attended SDM'16 in Miami.
2016-04-15: Invited as PC Member for CIKM'16.
2016-04-10: Finished the 21.1 km half marathon race at NTUC Income RUN 350 2016.
2016-04-05: Paper accepted at IJCAI'16, titled "Word Clouds with Latent Variable Analysis for Visual Comparison of Documents".
2016-04-01: Invited as PC Member for DSAA'16.
2016-02-27: Profiled in Podcasts@SMU: "Revolutionising online personalisation with smarter data mining & analytics"
2016-01-18: Named a National Research Foundation (NRF) Fellow for the period 2016 - 2021.
2015-12-22: Paper accepted at SDM'16, titled "Euclidean Co-Embedding of Ordinal Data for Multi-Type Visualization".
2015-12-14: Invited as PC Member for IJCAI'16, Main Track.
2015-12-03: Journal paper accepted in TOIS, titled "Probabilistic Models for Contextual Agreement in Preferences".
2015-11-16: Profiled in Research@SMU Issue 30: "Studying the Differences in Similarities"
2015-10-26: Invited as PC member for KDD'16, Applied Data Science Track.
2015-10-19: Attended CIKM'15 in Melbourne.
2015-09-18: Nominated for Most Promising Teacher, SMU Teaching Excellence Awards 2015.
2015-09-15: Invited as PC Member for PAKDD'16.
2015-08-20: Invited as PC Member for AAAI'16, Main Technical Track.
2015-08-05: Invited as PC Member for WWW'16, Web Mining Track.
2015-07-28: Patent granted for "Generating synonyms based on query log data"
2015-07-24: Gave a talk at Zynga in San Francisco, CA.
2015-07-23: Gave a talk at Facebook in Menlo Park, CA.
2015-07-22: Visited Google in Mountain View, CA.
2015-07-20/21: COSN'15 Program Committee meeting and workshop at Stanford University.
2015-07-03: Paper accepted at CIKM'15 as short paper, titled "Structural Constraints for Multipartite Entity Resolution with Markov Logic Network".
2015-07-02: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Nguyen Thanh Son, for winning a SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship award for AY2015-2016.
2015-06-30: Journal paper accepted in TKDE, titled "A Cooperative Coevolution Framework for Parallel Learning to Rank".
2015-05-10: Visiting Simon Fraser University in BC, Canada till end of May.
2015-04-24: Paper accepted at ACL'15, titled "A Convolution Kernel Approach to Identifying Comparisons in Text".
2015-04-11: Invited as PC Member for COSN'15.
2015-03-19: Invited as PC Member for CIKM'15, Knowledge Management Track.
2014-12-15: Attended ICDM'14 in Shenzhen.
2014-11-11: Invited as PC Member for PAKDD'15.
2014-11-07: Paper accepted at VLDB'15, titled "Mining Revenue-Maximizing Bundling Configuration".
2014-11-04: Attended CIKM'14 in Shanghai.
2014-10-24: Paper accepted at WSDM'15, titled "Review Synthesis for Micro-Review Summarization".
2014-09-21: Invited as PC Member for WWW'15, Web Mining Track.
2014-09-20: Paper accepted at ICDM'14, titled "Probabilistic Latent Document Network Embedding".
2014-08-24: Attended KDD'14 in New York City.
2014-08-22: Journal paper accepted to appear in TKDE, titled "Review Selection Using Micro-Reviews".
2014-08-18: Computational Thinking is gaining awareness in SMU. A quarter of the new term's enrolment are from Business, Accountancy, Economics, and Social Sciences.
2014-08-09: Paper accepted at CIKM'14, titled "Generative Modeling of Entity Comparisons in Text".
2014-08-09: Paper accepted at CIKM'14 as poster, titled "Dynamic Clustering of Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits".
2014-08-01: Visited the School of Information Studies at McGill University in Montreal.
2014-07-30: Our paper, titled "Manifold Learning for Jointly Modeling Topic and Visualization", earns an Honorable Mention, as a nominee for the Outstanding Paper Award at AAAI'14.
2014-07-27: Attended AAAI'14 in Quebec City.
2014-07-01: Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Le Van Minh Tuan, for winning a SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship award for AY2014-2015.
2014-05-28: Invited as PC Member for CIKM'14.
2014-05-13: Paper accepted at KDD'14, titled "Semantic Visualization for Spherical Representation".
2014-04-13: Paper accepted at ICML'14, titled "Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning: Realizing Pointwise Smoothness Probabilistically".
2014-04-08: Paper accepted at AAAI'14, titled "Manifold Learning for Jointly Modeling Topic and Visualization".
2014-04-07: Attended WWW'14 in Seoul.
2014-03-04: Invited as PC Member for ICDM'14.
2013-12-28: Paper accepted at WWW'14, titled "Modeling Contextual Agreement in Preferences".
2013-12-20: Invited as PC Member for ICWSM'14.
2013-10-28: Attended CIKM'13 in San Francisco.
2013-10-26: Invited as PC Member for ASONAM'14.
2013-09-18: Paper accepted at ICDM'13, titled "Modeling Preferences with Availability Constraints".
2013-09-07: Invited as PC Member for WWW'14 (Web Mining Track).
2013-08-24: Invited as PC Member for SDM'14.
2013-07-14: Paper accepted at CIKM'13, titled: "Using Micro-Reviews to Select an Efficient Set of Reviews".
2013-04-08: Attended ICDE'13 in Brisbane.
2013-03-07: Invited as PC Member for WISE'13.
2013-02-12: Invited as PC Member for CIKM'13.
2012-12-27: Invited as PC Member for ASONAM'13.
2012-11-04: Invited as PC Member for WWW'13 (Web Mining Track).
2012-10-14: Paper accepted at ICDE'13, titled: "RoundTripRank: Graph-based Proximity with Importance and Specificity".
2012-07-31: Invited as PC Member for DASFAA'13.
2012-06-29: Paper accepted at TKDE, titled: "Generative Models for Item Adoptions Using Social Correlation".
2012-06-27: Invited as Sponsorship Co-chair for ASONAM'13.
2012-04-27: Visit to DB/Web group at UCLA.
2012-04-26: Attended SDM'12 in Anaheim, California.
2012-04-25: Visit to Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at University of Southern California (USC).
2012-02-17: Speaker at LARC Workshop on Network Modeling and Mining.
2012-02-15: Invited as PC Member for WISE'12.
2012-01-01: Commenced a full-time appointment as Assistant Professor in the School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University.
2011-12-24: Paper accepted at SDM'12, titled "Mining Social Dependencies in Dynamic Interaction Networks".
2011-10-26: Paper accepted at TWEB, titled: "Quality and Leniency in Online Collaborative Rating Systems".
2011-09-07: Invited as PC Member for ASONAM'12, research track.
2011-08-17: Invited speaker at Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA.
2011-08-16: Invited speaker at eBay Research Labs, San Jose, USA.
2011-08-15: Invited speaker at Google, Mountain View, USA.
2011-08-12: Invited speaker at Yahoo! Labs, Santa Clara, USA.
2011-08-08: Invited as PC Member for PAKDD'12.
2011-08-07: Attended AAAI'11, in relation to an accepted paper: "CCRank: Parallel Learning to Rank with Cooperative Coevolution".
2011-06-06: Paper accepted to appear at TKDE, titled: "Entity Synonyms for Structured Web Search".
2011-05-03: Invited speaker at the Yahoo!-DAIS Seminar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2011-04-29: Session Chair of Text and Web Mining Session at SDM'11.
2011-04-28: Attended SDM'11, in relation to an accepted paper: "Predicting Item Adoption using Social Correlation".
2011-04-26: Invited speaker at IBM Research, Almaden, USA.
2011-04-25: Invited speaker at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Mountain View, USA.
2011-04-16: Paper accepted at AAAI'11, "CCRank: Parallel Learning to Rank with Cooperative Coevolution".
2011-04-13: Nominated to attend A*STAR Work Plan Seminar 2011.
2011-04-12: Invited as PC Member for CIKM'11, IR track & poster track.
2011-04-11: Invited as PC Member for WISE'11, research track.
2011-04-08: Poster accepted to appear at SIGIR'11, titled: "Parallel Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval".
2011-03-24: Invited as PC Member for ASONAM'11, research track.
2011-03-22: Invited as a Section Co-editor for Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer).
2011-03-16: Invited as PC Member for ECML-PKDD'11, demo track.
2011-01-06: Invited as PC Member for ICDM'11, research track.
2010-12-24: Paper accepted at SDM'11, titled: "Predicting Item Adoption using Social Correlation".
2010-12-15: Invited as Local Arrangement Co-chair for SocInfo'11.
2010-11-14: Tutorial proposal accepted at IJCAI'11, "Semantic Knowledge Bases From Web Sources".
2010-11-13: Paper accepted to appear at TKDE, titled: "Organizing User Search Histories".
2010-10-29: Presented a paper at CIKM'10, "Detecting Product Review Spammers using Rating Behaviors".
2010-10-26: Co-presented a tutorial at CIKM'10, "Harvesting Knowledge from Web Data and Text".
2010-10-23: Invited as PC Member for WWW'11, demo track.
2010-09-13: Attended VLDB'10.
2010-09-03: Invited as PC Member for SDM'11, research track.
2010-09-01: Started the project ARISE for Augmented Reality Information Search Engine.
2010-07-31: Appointed Adjunct Assistant Professor of Information Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU).
2010-07-17: Paper accepted at CIKM'10, titled: "Detecting Product Review Spammers using Rating Behaviors".
2010-06-01: Paper appeared in 06/10 issue of TOIS, "STEvent: Spatio-Temporal Event Model for Social Network Discovery".
2010-05-23: Invited as PC Member for CIKM'11, IR track.
2010-05-02: Invited as PC Member for ECML-PKDD'10, demo track.
2010-04-26: Joined Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R).