Undergraduate Research
If you are currently completing a bachelor's degree in SCIS, consider exploring the Undergraduate Research in Computing Programme, also known as UResearch. It allows you to substitute your final year project with two semesters of undergraduate research plus a postgraduate course. This pathway exposes you to the wonders of research and opens doors to deep tech positions in industry or further postgraduate opportunities.
We are proud of and grateful to those who spent part of their undergraduate years to enrich our research experiences.
Bryan Tan Zhi Yang (BSc Computer Science, Class of 2024)
Project: Term Importance for Transformer-Based QA Retrieval: A Case Study of StackExchange
Publication: TheWebConf-24 (WWW-24) short paperTay Huan Lin & Tay Wei Jie (BSc Computer Science, Class of 2023)
Project: Multi-Lingual Multi-Partite Product Title Matching
Publication: TheWebConf-23 (WWW-23) poster paperYoung Ezekiel Ong (BSc Computer Science, Class of 2023)
Project: Mining Competitively-Priced Bundle Configurations
Publication: BigData-22 poster paperLiu Ziyuan (BSc Information Systems, Class of 2022)
Project: Towards Aligning Slides and Video Snippets: Mitigating Sequence and Content Mismatches
Publication: AIED-22 short paperYeo Qi Xun (BSc Information Systems, Class of 2020)
Project: Query Formulation for Content Augmentation: A Case Study on Academic SlidesLe Van Tuan Long (BSc Information Systems, Class of 2020)
Project: Pin Similarity NetworksOng Rong Sheng (BSc Information Systems, Class of 2019)
Project: FoodRecce: Personalized Food Reconnaissance While on the MoveClare Yip Kit Yan (BSc Information Systems, Class of 2019)
Project: Personalized Similarity Measure for Capturing Users’ Board Collections on PinterestChia Chong Cher (BSc Information Systems, Class of 2018)
Project: Word Representations for Objective and Subjective Corpora
Publication: ACL-18Ye Tengyuan (Visiting Student from Zhejiang University 2014-2015)
Project: Structural Constraints for Multipartite Entity Resolution
Publication: CIKM-15 short paper